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rp-publish.gradle 5.03 KB
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hyongbai 提交于 2019-07-26 17:39 . #Release# 2.3.3
// utilities
def static replaceVariables(File file, String key, String value) {
if(!file.exists()) return
def regex = '\\$\\{' + key + '\\}'
file.write((file.text =~ /${regex}/).replaceAll(value))
def isAndroid(){ return project.hasProperty("android"); }
def getPropertySafe(name, defaultValue = ''){
if(hasProperty(name) && getProperty(name).trim() != '') return getProperty(name)
return defaultValue
def getPropertyExt(name, defaultValue = ''){
if ( project.ext.has(name) && project.ext[name] != null ) return project.ext[name]
return getPropertySafe(name, defaultValue)
// def pbHelp(){
// println(">>> Please make sure MUST-HVAE Properties defined in 'project.ext' or gradle.properties."
// + "\ne.g.: "
// + "\n PB_USER = hyongbai"
// + "\n PB_ARTIFACT_ID = HelloWorld"
// )
// }
def pbUpdateVariables(){
].forEach { replaceVariables(project.file(it), "RP_VERSION", version) }
// pbHelp()
///// CONFIG
apply from: "${buildscript.sourceFile.parent}/rp-config.gradle"
group = getPropertyExt('RP_GROUP')
version = getPropertyExt('RP_VERSION')
def pbArtifactId = getPropertyExt('RP_ARTIFACT_ID')
def pbUser = getPropertyExt('RP_USER')
def pbRepo = getPropertyExt('RP_REPO', 'maven')
def pbEmail = getPropertyExt('RP_EMAIL', pbUser)
def pbUserId = getPropertyExt('RP_USER_ID', pbUser)
def pbUserOrg = getPropertyExt('RP_USERORG', '')
def pbBintayKey = getPropertyExt('RP_BINTRAY_KEY', System.getenv('RP_BINTRAY_KEY'))
def pbDesc = getPropertyExt('RP_DESC', 'DONT BE EVIL')
def pbLicense = getPropertyExt('RP_LICENSES_NAME', 'The Apache Software License, Version 2.0')
def pbLicenseUrl = getPropertyExt('RP_LICENSES_URL', 'http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt')
def pbSiteUrl = getPropertyExt('RP_SITE', "https://github.com")
def pbGitUrl = getPropertyExt('RP_GIT_URL', pbSiteUrl)
def pbIssueUrl = getPropertyExt('RP_ISSUE_URL', pbSiteUrl)
">>>「publish.gradle」 CONFIGURATIONS:"
+ "\n ${group}:${pbArtifactId}:${version}"
+ "\n ${pbDesc}"
+ "\n Android = ${project.hasProperty("android")}"
+ "\n pbUser = ${pbUser}:${pbEmail}"
+ "\n pbSite = ${pbSiteUrl}"
+ "\n pbGitUrl = ${pbGitUrl}"
+ "\n pbIssueUrl = ${pbIssueUrl}"
+ "\n License = ${pbLicense}(${pbLicenseUrl})"
+ "\n pbBintayKey = ${pbBintayKey}"
//// task
if (isAndroid()) { // Android libraries
task sourcesJar(overwrite: true, type: Jar) {
classifier = 'sources'
from android.sourceSets.main.java.srcDirs
task javadoc(overwrite: true, type: Javadoc) {
source = android.sourceSets.main.java.srcDirs
classpath += project.files(android.getBootClasspath().join(File.pathSeparator))
} else { // Java libraries
task sourcesJar(overwrite: true, type: Jar, dependsOn: classes) {
classifier = 'sources'
from sourceSets.main.allSource
task javadocJar(overwrite: true, type: Jar, dependsOn: javadoc) {
classifier = 'javadoc'
from javadoc.destinationDir
artifacts {
// archives javadocJar
archives sourcesJar
tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
options.encoding = "UTF-8"
// TODO: mavenLocal & jcenter conflicts
if ( pbBintayKey == null ){
System.err.println("\n>>>「publish.gradle」bintray access key is EMPTY, UPLOAD LOCAL ONLY!\n")
///// publish to LOCAL
apply plugin: 'maven'
final def theGroup = group // group will be reset to 'upload'
uploadArchives {
repositories.mavenDeployer {
repository(url: "file://${System.getenv('HOME')}/.m2/repository")
pom.groupId = theGroup
pom.version = version
pom.artifactId = pbArtifactId
/////// publish to BINTRAY
apply plugin: 'com.jfrog.bintray'
if (isAndroid()) {
apply plugin: 'com.github.dcendents.android-maven'
install {
repositories.mavenInstaller {
pom {
project {
packaging 'aar'
name pbArtifactId
url pbSiteUrl
licenses {
license {
name pbLicense
url pbLicenseUrl
developers {
developer {
id pbUser
name pbUserId
email pbEmail
scm {
connection pbGitUrl
developerConnection pbGitUrl
url pbSiteUrl
bintray {
user = pbUser
key = pbBintayKey
configurations = ['archives']
pkg {
desc = pbDesc
repo = pbRepo
name = pbArtifactId
vcsUrl = pbGitUrl
userOrg = pbUserOrg
websiteUrl = pbSiteUrl
issueTrackerUrl = pbIssueUrl
licenses = [pbLicense]
publish = true
